We have been spending all summer in Ohio, enjoying the country, loving the cows, and most of all, growing as a couple. My favorite thing to do here is to go to the drive-in and see a couple of movies, and because we are so far out in the country, there aint a lot of people in the lot. ;)
My lasy movie, Dripping Wet 2: Falcon studios,is getting some great reviews. On the set of this movie we did an 'undie swap' which turned out pretty cool. Check out the undie swap at:
Okie dokie, so onto the meaty news, I have a secret that I think its time for everyone to know. So here’s the story. October 12th, 2007 I was in a very bad car accident that changed my life completely. The car that I was in was going about 60 miles an hour down a dirt road when, as I’m told, an animal jumped out in front of the car. The driver swerved to miss the animal and plowed into a tree. My seatbelt broke during impact and my airbag didn’t deploy. I was sent through the windshield face first into the tree that we plowed. I was life-flighted to Atlanta Medical Center with a few broken bones and no skin on my forehead and the top part of my right cheek. I’ve been going through almost 2 years of recovery and surgery all while pursuing my career in adult film. I still have a few scars on my forehead and my eyelid had to be completely rebuilt.
I am so tired of hiding my scars when I am actually proud of them. I have the best supporter in the world, Mj Taylor. We chose our wedding date primarily because of this. October 12th is the day that I flatlined and it just seems like this is the day of rebirth and the start of something new. So here is my scars, hope you like em, LOL!

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